
The schedule is up, the date is set.  We will open on September 8th with welcoming smiles and open arms.  Soon you will be able to purchase punch-cards on Mind Body Connect.  It is all falling into place.  Kids will be back in school and there will be time for you.  I hope you will take some of that time to meet friends at Peace of Mind Pilates. If you still have little ones at home, there will be a space for them to relax and play as well.

Peace and Love

POM schedule2_2up-2

3 thoughts on “Schedule

  1. Whooo Hooo Stephanie!

    My classes end on the 14th of September. I will be a free woman! Sign me up for Monday morning Pilates and Thursday evening Barre. I can come on the 7th at 8:45, 17th at 6:30 and then every Monday and Thursday after that.

    I will bring in the extra $$$ for each class since I only did one class on the prepaid $100.00. That means I can do 9 classes for only $2.00 each right?

    Think Pointer Sisters – I’m So Excited! For you.

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