All posts by Stephanie Robinson

About Stephanie Robinson

Certified pilates instructor, yoga instructor, Barre instructor and AFAA certified personal trainer


The schedule is up, the date is set.  We will open on September 8th with welcoming smiles and open arms.  Soon you will be able to purchase punch-cards on Mind Body Connect.  It is all falling into place.  Kids will be back in school and there will be time for you.  I hope you will take some of that time to meet friends at Peace of Mind Pilates. If you still have little ones at home, there will be a space for them to relax and play as well.

Peace and Love

POM schedule2_2up-2

Coming Soon

In the coming weeks there will be so much happening.  Sign design, flooring decisions , painting, website designing, ordering, and so much more.  I am so thankful for all of this and even for the busyness, but it reminds me that I need to slow down and just take a moment to enjoy this too.  My future looks bright but my present is even brighter.  ~Namaste

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Sorry for the confusion

I think I may have been a little unclear about the opening of my studio, so I wanted to make things transparent. And I want to thank you for all of your comments and interest and support!! A lot of you know that I was opening or having a studio in my home, and that will continue to be a place for me to workout, to train small groups and to use as needed.  The Studio that I am opening is in the Mimmo’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Purple Sage complex, where the former Dragonfly Treasures used to be.  Suite 108.

I would love to hear from you about days and times that you are hoping to see classes offered.  Remember, there will be Pilates, Barre and Yoga.  So please send me a message or comment or a text!  I also hope that you will share the news and tell everyone!

I look forward to seeing you all at the Barre or on the Mat.

~Peace Out

Suite 108

Forgive me followers for I have sinned.  It has been over a year since my last post. A lot has happened, and is continuing to happen, in the last nineteen months. We decided to move, put our house on the market, waited nine long months, sold our house, built and designed a new house, moved into our new house, and now, working on opening a new studio.  There, I wrote it.  It must be true now.  Right?  Don’t we believe everything we read?  The answer should be no, but this is true.  I have been dreaming of this for the last five plus years.  Having a studio that I can call my own.  A place where people come together to sweat and curse and connect.  That is what I have dreamed of.

I put it out there into the universe, I believed, I found strength and courage, I worked hard and I made it happen. I have been teaching for about 8 years, and in these years I have learned so much.  I have found what works for me, what works for others and what doesn’t.  I have built strong connections with fellow teachers and students.  I love what I do and I love what it does for me.  I am ready to take all that I have learned and open a space that will hopefully be a second home for many, many people.

I will be sure to let you all know more info as I know it.  The target date for opening is September 1st. Wish me luck and let the shaking and tucking and planking begin in a new space.